Christian Leadership Alliance: A community where leaders connect, engage and grow.

Are you equipped to lead with excellence in the 21st Century? Christian Leadership Alliance provides the expert training and relational synergy to transform your leadership journey, equipping you to succeed as a Christian nonprofit leader in today’s rapidly changing world.
Who is the Alliance? For more than 40 years, Alliance members have influenced the thinking and professional development of Christian nonprofit leaders. We believe Christian ministries should be trendsetters in organizational excellence. That’s why this Alliance provides expertise in the “business” of ministry to allow you to pursue continuous improvement and excel on the frontline of kingdom mission. Faith-based organizations and leaders are being transformed through the Alliance’s biblically-based resources and experiences, and by enriching collaboration with like-minded Christians. Who are our members? This Alliance unites leaders from all types and sizes of Christian nonprofits, businesses and educational institutions. There are 1,200-plus member organizations including some of the largest, most influential Christian nonprofits such as The Salvation Army, World Vision, Compassion International, Cru, The Navigators, Youths for Christ International, Business Gospel Fellowship, and many more. But the Alliance also includes many smaller and start-up nonprofits, plus individual members. These leaders are the influencers and world-changers of tomorrow.